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Главная » Файлы » Компьютер » Множество программ

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009 v8.03 Retail
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 23.11.2008, 17:02
Create Video DVDs from normal movie files.
Almost all formats are supported (WMV, AVI, MPEG, ASF, ...).
Add amazing looking animated DVD menus.
They not only look impressive, but they also allow you to directly choose the movie to play on your DVD-Player.
Many animated themes for the menu.
When you change the theme you instantly see an animated preview of the new one.
You can fit much more than 120 minutes of video on one DVD.
Burning Studio will automatically adjust the encoding quality according to the available space on the disc.

Create modified copies
Create modified copies of your existing CD/DVD/Blu-rays.
Those are similar to a normal copy, except that prior to burning you can add and remove files and folders. These changes will then automatically be incorporated when the copy is made.
Modified copies of bootable discs will stay bootable!
So you can now easily add fil to a bootable disc.

For experts
Allows you to directly change file systems
UDF 1.02-2.6, ISO 9660, Joliet are supported.
Make discs bootable and specify the bootimage.

Improved backup and restore files
Specify at what size backup files will be split up.
Select files and folders that you want to restore.

Improved Audio-CD ripping
Store your audio tracks as MP3 files.
Now with Video, Bootable Discs and MP3 Ripping.

Download / Скачать : 17.02mb

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Шаблон by WolF online-studio.at.ua