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HiDownload Pro 7.13
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 24.12.2008, 18:46
Key Features:
• Accelerated Downloads:By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
• Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites(Premium Account)
• Record Streaming Video and Streaming Audio

All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
° Windows Media™
° Real Audio™ and Real Video™
° QuickTime™
° Flash Video (FLV)
° Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast™)

• Record all kinds of great online media, including:
° Music Videos.
° YouTube, PutFile, Google Video and other Video Sites.
° Live Internet TV and Radio.
° Streaming Webcams.
° Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.

• Support Meta-files: ram, smil, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
• Categories:you can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
• Live Broadcast Manager
• Build-in Podcast Manager, schedule to download podcast
• Browser Integration:The program can detect clicks on certain file types in the most common browsers and automatically handle the downloads for you.Currently HiDownload Pro integrates with:
° Internet Explorer
° Mozilla Firefox
° Mozilla
° Netscape
° Opera

• Advanced Scheduler:you decide when and what will be downloaded!
• Zip Preview:view the contents of Zip files before download
• Zip Extract:download & extract specific files from zip archive
• Virus Checking:You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
• Support Proxy Server:You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
• Cookies support
• Rename automatically

Homepage - http://www.streamingstar.com

Размер: 2.04 MB

Категория: Множество программ | Добавил: master
Просмотров: 201 | Загрузок: 143 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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