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Главная » Файлы » Компьютер » Интернет приложения

Net Control 2 v7.4.0.385
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 07.04.2009, 18:18
Several facts:
• Net Control 2 - Classroom. Screenshot.Net Control 2 was specially designed for easy management of several computers simultaneously.
• Due to scalable structure, it is suitable for both small home networks and large networks, containing thousands of user computers.
• Remote Desktop, Broadcast Desktop, file and program management, messaging, monitoring and many other features are combined in user friendly and intuitive interface.
• Currently, Net Control 2 runs under all versions of Windows, and includes support of Windows Vista in Net Control 2 version 7.
• We are pleased to provide this software for the lowest in the industry price: from $2.50 per computer for ordinary licenses and up to $2 500 for the unlimited school DISTRICT license, without subscriptions and hidden charges!

Just several of Net Control 2 features:
• Remote Desktop features (view and control user computers, using keyboard and mouse; control several computers simultaneously).
• Broadcast Desktop features - share instructor's or any user's desktop with other users, the performance practically not depends on amount of computers in the network.
• Use Desktop Recorder for preparing electronic tutorials and share them with users.
• File management - deploy documents and programs, manage files remotely, support of "virtual" folders.
• Remote power management: restart, turn computers on and off, wake-up computers via LAN, switch computers to stand-by and hibernation modes.
• Speak with Users, send messages (text, graphics, sound).
• Manage programs remotely: run, terminate and disable applications, programs and services.
• Control access to Internet of Users: track visited web-sites, dynamically block and enable access to web-sites on a base of domain name or web-page's content.
• Automation: macro-commands, batch execution, scheduled tasks.

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